We were lucky enough to be joined by Daniela Stojanovski from Mcgrath property management Leichhardt where she explains how Inspection Express has had endless benefits to their office including but not limited to the endless paper they have stopped using. Check out the full interview below.
How has the paperless condition reports benefited your agency?
The benefits are endless to paperless condition reports, the major one being the audit timeline with proof shown that the tenant was send the ingoing condition report, also that the email was opened and viewed.
Additionally, having the photos ready to go in the app when conducting the final inspection has made the process so much quicker and easier.
The never-ending amount of printing of inspections reports we did in the office has come to a grinding halt, which has reduced our printing costs as well.
What do you think are the key benefits of having a paperless office?
The benefit to the environment is first and foremost the best benefit. The amount of paper usage we have cut down on is immense which also has a flow on affect to the office expenditures.
Can you tell us two things you love about Inspection Express and why?
The program will automatically send the three legally required reminders that most PMs will forget about, which will save your life at tribunal!
The other great thing is that you can finalise and schedule the ingoing inspection report to be completed when you’re off site – no need to come back to the office at the end of the day to prepare or print the report.
Tell us what is your favourite thing about working in property management?
When the wheels turn as they should and you have laid the proper groundwork for your portfolio, it is satisfying to see everything fall into place. It is often a thankless job, but when you do receive some thanks and recognition it makes the effort worthwhile.